It’s a color study, accidentally. I drew an outline for the bigger jellyfish, but when I saw the bokeh fill without the line, I just left the line off entirely.
011 last minute
010 Daily Challenge
009 – Miyazaki + Chiang – Experience
008th Daily – ArtRage & Patrick O’Hearn
I grew up being creeped out by Patrick O’Hearn’s music. The Ringmaster’s Dream kept me from mine when my folks would play it after I’d gone to bed. I loved that music, but it always unsettled me.
Well, this drawing has very little to do with that feeling. One of his tracks, Adagio from Fantasy for a Gentleman, came on the “radio” when I sat down to draw, and it gave me a feeling that got the drawing started. The atmosphere of the music also begged some color, so I bumped it into ArtRage, which I haven’t opened for quite a long time, since I have no idea how to paint with oils or acrylics.
Yesterday’s drawing. This one was didn’t have the focus these drawings have been demanding so far. Just a guy in the subway station on the way home from work. I just realized the number, too. I could have done something so much cooler for 007! I’ll keep that in mind for the true 7th daily drawing, which will come who-knows-when.
I got the iPhone on Saturday and spent a goodly chunk of Sunday finding out all the things I can use it for. This was drawn in pen on paper, photographed into Brushes on the phone, where I added a bit of color. I was looking for a way to multiply layers to let the lines show through the pigment, but it looks like this paint app doesn’t support that.
I really should have drawn something else when I got home yesterday, and I’ve been down about it today. So I’m setting to today’s drawing now.
I think I’ll lay off the full color for a while, until I really have time to practice it. This drawing might have looked a lot better if I’d done it black and white, though the idea relies on some reflected light, so some shading was necessary. Anyway, not too happy with it, but it was an exercise, yeah?
I went drawing with a friend at the zoo yesterday. I’d planned to be there only two hours, but I ended up staying almost four before I considered leaving. By the end, I was pretty pooped, though: by the time we saw the lemurs, I was pretty much done. I had only the energy to think “that one looks like Rowan Atkinson…they all look like Rowan Atkinson.” When my print ink arrives, I may copy those line drawings onto watercolor paper. Or maybe I’ll try my hand coloring in Photoshop or the like.