taking another stab at the dive
Wind (4-02)
What a Pose! (4-01)
I worked a long day today and really wanted to do draw. I put Pixelovely’s Gesture Tool up on my projector and did a 30 minute class. Then THIS POSE came up. I think it showed for 10 minutes the first time, and I went back to it again. What a pose. I’m still amazed.
Today I used The Gesture Drawing Tool with my projector. The result felt very similar to drawing from a live model. The same surprise and excitement with a new pose, and the same challenges. These are all 30-second poses (though you might have guessed 10).
Awww, I’m sorry. I didn’t forget.
I know I said I’d work on my anatomy and focus on the back and neck. I’m sorry, drawing. Today you were the last thing I did. Or almost. I’m working on estimating time for a project, and I’ve always been terrible at that. But don’t worry, drawing: I’ll be back before either of us notices I was gone. I hope.
pinup/uh what?
Scapula City (3-03)
Bridgman’s: good stuff
Copied from Bridgman’s Guide to Drawing from Life. The examples range from naturalistic to actually mechanical, with wheels and levers, to express human anatomy. The focus on the back is relatively brief, which I guess is technically fair, though I’d hoped for more. I’ll find more, though (“These drawings are from Internet, Mother.”)
maybe not so cozy
Starting another series, I’m reconsidering the focus for this set of daily drawings. It’s good for me to draw with or without a purpose, though having a subject ready can help when I have no ideas. So for now, I’m going to go with anatomy studies: specifically back and neck, because I feel like that’s something I focus on, without know hardly anything about.